Sunday, May 28, 2017

Silent Treatment

Following the allegations that Jared Kushner asked the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak for a covert back channel of communication with the Kremlin, the White House has adopted a new strategy for dealing with the Russia story: "No comments". They can't possibly hope to put a lid on the story, because the sources are not going to let them get away with treason. The only logical explanation for the "no comments" policy is that the Trump administration has now given up on trying to defend even the people in their inner circle. It's probably for the best. Their lies were becoming too obvious, and everything they said only made things worse.

Still, one cannot help but wonder what Trump is hoping to achieve by clinging to power for just a little while longer. With the very legitimacy and independence of the presidency being disputed, it would probably be better if he just resigned and prepared to face trial.