Friday, May 5, 2017

Celebrating Nothing

Donald Trump treated himself to some cake at his 100th day as President, with basically no accomplishments to show. Apparently, he celebrated simply staying in power for 100 days, which is setting the bar terribly low. He did manage to get Judge Gorsuch into the Supreme Court, but that was only because Republicans blocked the nomination from former President Obama and changed the voting rules for Senate confirmation to not have to seek bipartisan support.

And still he got cake.

The Republican majority in the House were invited to a gathering in the Rose Garden at the White House to celebrate their accomplishment of passing a bill they wrote themselves. The bill is probably going to be voted against by the Senate, hence the premature celebration after the House vote. They know this was an empty gesture.

And still they celebrated.

The standard for what is worthy of celebration is set pretty low for this administration.