Thursday, May 11, 2017

Caution: Elephant

"Um... Mr. President, excuse me, but there appears to be an elephant in the room."
"No, there isn't."
"But, Sir, it's sitting right on top of you. It looks awfully inconvenient. And painful."
"Nonsense. You're falling for the obvious lies in Democrat propaganda and fake news."
"Very well, Sir. I'll take my leave, then. Is there anything you need?"
"Could you perhaps send in pest control for... large mammals?"
"Because of the elephant?"
"There is no elephant."
"Right. But still, wouldn't an animal handler be more appropriate?"
"Look, send anyone you like. Do whatever you can to get this elephant off of me."
"The elephant which isn't there?"
"Exactly. And please hurry. I'm being crushed here."
"Right on it, Mr. President, Sir!"
"Wait. Before you go, could you perhaps find something to cover it up as well?"
"It would still look suspiciously like an elephant, only under cover."
"Shut up. You're fired."