Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Stop Digging

Donald Trump is frantically trying to make the media stop digging in his crooked dealings with Russia, and still claims that the entire investigation is based on a fabrication by the Democrats to deflect blame for their election loss. His pathetic excuses for defence, deflection and distraction are now getting comical in their absurdity, and his panic and desperation is becoming obvious. His feigned concern that the investigations are wasting taxpayer money is ludicrous, as he is wasting millions on his weekly vacation trips to rest up between his brief and failed attempts at doing his job.

Mr. Trump, you are in a hole, and you are only making it deeper for yourself. It is you who should stop digging, not the investigators and the journalists. If you are truly innocent, let the investigations run their course and have your name cleared. And if you are guilty, it's way too late now to put the lid on the story.