Wednesday, May 10, 2017

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Donald Trump is not going to grow up. His little grubby fingers must be kept as far away as possible from the proverbial cookie jar that is abuse of presidential power. Now is the time for Congress to appoint an independent investigator to handle the digging into the Russian interference with the US election and what part, if any, the Trump campaign played in it. Every action concerning the Russia investigations that Donald Trump and his stooges have taken to try to downplay, discredit or distract from the scandal has had the opposite effect: it has put a spotlight on the story and made the Trump camp look even more guilty and dishonest.

As for who would be suitable to lead an independent investigation, Sally Yates is looking for a job. She is a nonpartisan, honest person with a solid legal background. Her already deep insights into the Department of Justice and the FBI would let her hit the ground running and continue current investigations without unnecessary delay. For assistance, Preet Bharara is currently unemployed, and it would probably be a good idea to ask James Comey for help as well. Putting these particular three people in charge would also be poetic justice, showing Donald Trump that his dictatorial shenanigans cannot shield him from the law, and that his chilling attempts at obstruction of justice will only result in pushback and redoubled efforts from the legislative branch to get to the bottom of this.

We are watching the end of Donald Trump's brief, ineffective and fraudulent presidency. His incompetent gang of misfits and too close friends and family has had free reign of the White House long enough to prove that they are utterly unable to handle the responsibility. It is time for the grown-ups to step in, put an end to the party and do some much needed house cleaning.