Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Running The Country Into The Ground

It's very obvious by now that President* Donald Trump is an absolute disaster on his job. Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy means for having him fired. It's a bit like with his family business: if the CEO is also the owner, and is so bad for the company that it suffers damage, there is nobody who can fire that CEO. Unless the CEO has enough insight to see the cause of the problems and voluntarily step down, or some advisors have enough courage and influence to speak up and provide an eye-opener, the ultimate remedy is that the company folds and another takes its place on the market. However, letting an entire nation experience bankruptcy, whether moral or financial or both, is a messy outcome which nobody wants.

Donald Trump is crazy, stupid, dishonest and damaging to USA. There ought to be a better way to get rid of him than just to wait and see while he dismantles the country.

*: Donald Trump is an illegitimate president, elected in a process which was heavily influenced by a foreign hostile power seeking to sabotage the US democracy. He is financially compromised, deeply corrupt and strongly influenced by Vladimir Putin's Russia. Furthermore, he is literally incapable of doing the job. Donald Trump is a pretender, an impostor, a fraud, not a real president. His term will be among the shortest and least effective ever, and history will forever present him as an embarrassment with a disclaimer, not as a real president.