Tuesday, May 23, 2017

When Reality Hits

Donald Trump has been living in a bubble of his own reality more or less since birth. Now, actual reality comes knocking and is impossible to ignore. How is he going to handle the situation? Blaming others has not worked. Distractions are not working. He is running out of lies. This is on him, and he must see it coming. Reports from White House staff say that Trump is becoming reclusive, irritable, depressed and embittered, but he keeps pretending that the Russia story is all fake, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

When the realization hits that he is a terrible, evil person who has caused severe, possibly irreparable damage to the country he is woefully incapable of leading, what will he do? Will he distance himself from reality altogether, will he try to apologize and face justice, or will he go completely off the hook and do something truly crazy?

Time will tell. Soon.