Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fair Treatment

President* Trump has taken to whining again, complaining about how he has been portrayed negatively by media and saying that he has been treated "unfairly".

No, Mr. Trump. You are confused again. You have been treated fairly, but not nicely, and portrayed negatively but accurately. You are an incompetent fool, a bully, a liar and a fraud, and you are being treated accordingly. A fair treatment involves calling out your lies, exposing your corruption and criticizing you for your ineptitude and ignorance. You have been given more than a fair chance to prove yourself, but you have failed at every turn. You are a stupid man on a job that is so far beyond your capabilities that you deserve nothing but disrespect and ridicule.

I'm sure you will get a fair trial as well, but that doesn't mean that you can avoid going to prison. You have been very naughty, Mr. Trump, and you will be punished for it. That's fair.