Monday, May 15, 2017

The Lone Deranger

Donald Trump is blaming everyone but himself for his train wreck of a presidency. He is allegedly contemplating a "reboot" by firing basically everyone around him except his family: Ivanka and Jared.

True, most of his cabinet, as well as his advisers and mouthpieces, are doing a terrible job and would need firing. However, if we are to believe leaks from people working close to the president, what Donald Trump is looking for is not people with relevant skills and experience who would make his administration work. No, what he wants is people who "don't take up as much space for themselves" and who "praise him more". The amount of crazy it takes to think that will solve any problems is simply staggering. He is looking for a bunch of mindless stooges who won't question or criticize him. That is the MO of his great idol Vladimir Putin, but it won't help him get past the checks and balances that are, thankfully, still in effect in the US.

Trump seems to genuinely believe that he can do the job being the President. He very obviously can't. Besides, he should consider how difficult it has been to find people who are even willing to work for him, what kind of people he would get in a second attempt after a massive round of firing, and how big a chance he would stand getting those people approved by the Senate.

The problem is not with his associates. The problem is Donald Trump.