Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Losing it

The Trump White House and the Republican party are losing. They are losing their court cases, losing the impeachment hearings, losing their support from voters and financial backers, losing their mind, and losing their souls while desperately trying to defend the indefensible.

That "so much winning" Trump spoke of in his campaign does not seem likely of ever happening.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coming down

Finally, it's all coming down. Not only is this parody of a presidency coming to an ugly but befitting and totally well-deserved end, it feels as if we are all coming down from a very bad trip. I'm just so fucking tired. Let this be over soon, so we can all go back to worrying about things that should actually matter, instead of being scared of what trouble a stupid orange clown will try to get us into today.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


One side effect of the horrible state of dysfunction of the United States is that poorly educated Trump fans take to the Internet and expose their lack of brain power for all the world to see. Last night, I saw one of them inadvertently create a fitting neologism. In a comment to an accusation of the Trump supporters in the Republican party for being sycophants, one responder wrote "who are you calling psychopants?".

Psychopants. Beyond crazy-pants. The word may have been coined by a barely literate nitwit, but it's still an absolutely brilliant word. I will use it with glee.

Monday, May 27, 2019


Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to lie without repercussions. Freedom of thought does not include the right to blatantly ignore established facts and still be respected. Freedom of religion does not include the right to impose your belief on others by force. The freedom to pursue prosperity and happiness does not include the right to commit crimes to reach your goals. Neither of these restrictions seem to matter for the Republicans in general, nor to Donald Trump in particular.

We are not talking shady tactics or dirty tricks to get ahead in a brutal political landscape. We are way past the point where the Republican party and their man-baby "president" could be given the benefit of doubt concerning whether their actions are perhaps just utterly reprehensible, but not outright illegal. What is unfolding before our eyes is a tangled web of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, cover-ups, treason, theft, fraud, criminal negligence and derelict of duty, perhaps even kidnapping, child molestation and manslaughter at its dark, dark core. These people are evil, a stain on humanity. They are a shame and an embarrassment to the United States, and they pose an immediate and serious danger to the entire world.

Now is the time for all good people to come together and say "ENOUGH".

Monday, April 15, 2019

Not Smart Enough

On Sunday Fox News, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on live TV and said something that should haunt her for the rest of her life. Gripping for the last straw to keep Donald Trump's tax returns from being subpoenaed by Congress, she claimed that "I don’t think Congress, particularly not this group of Congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be."

Really, Sarah? Many members of Congress are lawyers. Most of them have a proper university education and, contrary to Donald Trump, they can all read perfectly well. Furthermore, they have a small army of helpers to read and summarize document collections that are significantly more complex than a few years' worth of tax returns for a small time, failing private company like the Trump Organization.

And, speaking of intelligence, Sarah Huckabee Sanders herself has a degree from the extremely unremarkable Ouachita Baptist University, the same school from where her father Mike Huckabee graduated, and for which he has been a large donor to the faculty. Make of that what you will, but she really doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed when she opens her mouth.

Instead of appearing on state-controlled Fox News and tell lies and slander without being called out for it, the Press Secretary should consider doing her job: talk to journalists and media in general. Like, how about starting to hold regular press briefings again, instead of hiding in a corner? By the way, didn't she announce that she would resign by the end of 2018? Why is she even still on the job?

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Donald Trump misspoke in an embarrassing and all too revealing manner when he tried to say "look at the origins if the investigation" but instead said "look at the oranges of the investigation". Now, if this had been a single incident, I wouldn't have thought much about it, apart from the fact that it's a hilarious slip coming from a person who is called derogatory names for his propensity for using too much fake tan and have his skin take on an orange tint. However, it was not a single slip, and the entire clip was painful to watch. The first time he meant to say "origins" and it came out wrong, he tried again, and made the same mistake a second time. Then, he tried explaining what he actually meant, saying "you know, the beginnings". He then managed to get the singular correct, saying the word "origin", but then finished with saying "oranges" a third time.

This is not dyslexia, or illiteracy, or stress, or bad pronounciation. I would bet on dementia or Alzheimers. In any case, there is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump's brain, and it's getting worse.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Devil in the Details

The "executive summary" of the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller was released yesterday, and media is tripping over themselves making all kinds of baseless claims. The summary was made by Attorney General Barr, who was appointed by Donald Trump, and who has openly stated his opinion that the President should be above the law. Of course he tries his best to protect his beloved god-emperor as much as he possibly can.

The summary is very telling in what it doesn't say. It makes some claims very narrow, like saying that there has been no conclusive evidence found that Donald Trump's campaign knowingly colluded with the Russian government, while it fails to mention the broader accusation of collusion with Russian operatives who are formally not tied to the government, like oligarchs and lawyers. The summary acknowledges that considerable foreign interference took place in the 2016 election and is likely to continue, but fails to raise a flag of warning or make any recommendations for securing the fairness and independence of the election system.

And, as a telling sign of a redaction being downright dishonest, the summary fails to quote a single complete sentrnce from Mueller's text. If you feel the need to cut parts of sentences out of context, chances are that the full sentence is actually quite damaging. Imagine a movie poster quoting a review as "A most impressive display...", when the reviewer actually wrote "A most impressive display of bad taste and money wasted on a total lack of talent."

We need to see the full report, with redactions where necessary to protect witnesses and ongoing investigations, not an obviously dishonest summary written by a Trump stooge. I am sure the full text will be utterly embarrassing and damaging to Donald Trump and his Republican henchmen, and I am sure we will see it quite soon.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Criminal scum

The President of the United States is a carreer criminal, a fraud, a cheat, a tax dodger, a bully, a con man, a liar, a traitor, a racist, a dumbass and a child molesting pervert. He suffers from severe mental disorder and has rapidly progressing dementia. The apparent inability of a democratic system to remove a person so clearly unfit for office is a sad sign of the worst flaw of good people: we are unable to understand evil people and cannot predict their actions, and we are therefore doomed to being taken by surprise at their blatant disregard for every ideal we stand for and all our aspirations to make a positive contribution to the world.

We must consider being less tolerant towards intolerance, or we will keep getting fooled. There is no reasoning with pure evil. Sometimes you just have to give up on people and realize that they are way beyond redemption, utterly undeserving of our respect, and belong in prison for the rest of their lives.


Illuminati, "the Enlightened Ones", is an old conspiracy theory that refuses to go away. Depending on who touts the conspiracy, the Illuminati are depicted as evil, benevolent, or just indifferent, cold and calculating in their secret attempts to rule the world from behind the scenes. However, they are never described as stupid.

What we have now instead of a government in the United States is a cabal of Desilluminati, "the Unenlightened Ones". These dim bulbs are trying very hard to turn down the lights for everyone who wants transparency, accountability, honesty and reason from their elected representatives. Their problem is that light always prevails over darkness. It only takes some illumination in the right place for a short while to expose the ugly secrets hiding in the dark, and once the truth has been brought to light, there is no way of hiding it again.

Fortunately for us, Donald Trump and his "best people" are not very smart, and that's what's bringing them down. The dim bulbs are about to be replaced.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Swamp Creatures

The person illegally occupying the presidential seat in the United States made a big deal of his campaign promise to "drain the swamp", i.e. to clean up in the unhealthy environment of Washington DC politics where many elected officials are carreer politicians who only care about their own benefit and their continued reelection, rather than using their granted powers to improve society and benefit their constituents. However, instead if draining the swamp, he and his minions have turned it into a cesspool, or worse. Their treasonous conspiracy with foreign hostile governments, their financial fraud and their obstruction of justice is just a small part of their long list of crimes. Before this horrible period of US politics is all over, we will see the president, people in his employ and numerous elected Republicans be charged and convicted for bribery, perjury, tax evasion, general thuggery, murder, systematic sexual abuse of children and human trafficking, just to name a few of the crimes that are being exposed. Their attempt at seizing power in a totalitarian manner is failing, thankfully, but they are doing a lot of damage by digging in and refusing to stop until they are dragged away in handcuffs.
Before long, Congress may be half empty, and the White House will be deserted. Good riddance. It will take decades to wash away the stench.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Emolumentally Stupid

If this had been a normal presidency, what Donald Trump did this weekend would have been a clear reason to start impeachment hearings. After having lost a lawsuit with the Scottish government, a lawsuit he initiated himself to stop a wind turbine project from somehow ruining the view from his failing Trump Scotland golf course, he took to Twitter and promoted his own business, suggesting that a Trump-owned golf course in Scotland somehow improves the UK-US foreign relations.

This is a clear and blatant violation of the "emoluments clause" which forbids a sitting US president from using the position of power for personal profit. Presidunce Trump is either too stupid to understand this, or too corrupt to care. In either case, he should not be allowed to remain in office.

A more sinister interpretation is that Trump issued a veiled threat against the UK, implying that it would harm international relations if they don't step in and reverse the court decision, which ordered him to reimburse the Scottish government for the costs of the defense. If that is what he meant, and I certainly wouldn't put it past him, he is corrupt like a banana republic dictator and needs to be locked up immediately.

Fortunately, steps are being taken to remove him from office, albeit for entirely different and more serious crimes than this emoluments clause violation. This just adds a little to the already huge pile of crimes he has committed during his sad and pathetic life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Doesn't Work

There are at least two meanings, both equally true, of the sentence "Donald Trump doesn't work". For one thing, he is indisputably the laziest president ever, spending most of his days in "executive time", which is a euphemism for "watching TV, yelling at said TV, gossiping with friends on the phone and tweeting". Second, Donald Trump doesn't work in the sense that he is not functioning. He is broken beyond repair. How long does it have to take to oust him?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Your Lying Eyes

Yesterday, Trump's descent into his own private version of reality took a big step downward when he said that the intelligence community leaders had been "misquoted" by the "fake news" when they were reported to take him to school over his delusions on, well, most of the current state of the world. The problem is that their statements were public and televised in their entirety, which really makes it impossible for any "misquotes" to happen.

Basically, we are asked the question: who do we believe, Donald Trump or our own eyes? The answer to that should be pretty obvious.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Trumpty Dumpty

Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.
And all of his lackeys and angry white men
Couldn't put Trumpty Dumpty back together again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


It should not be news to anyone that Donald Trump is a bad speller. However, yesterday he made a worse than ever mistake in his stupid bragging tweet about how he served fast food for a White House reception in the middle of his stupid government shutdown. He wrote that he was serving "hamberders". Now, you might suspect that it's some kind of misspelling slang, or cutesy baby language, but no. Nobody in the history of written English has ever spelled "hamburger" that way, for any reason. It's not even a phonetic spelling. It's just so very wrong. He even got trolled for it by Burger King: their official Twitter account announced that due to a big order yesterday, they were all out of hamberders, but still served hamburgers.

The United States has a president who not only has trouble spelling difficult words. He is illiterate to the point where he doesn't even know how to spell, or pronounce, his favorite food. This ridiculous, small and utterly stupid man needs to be put away.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Deflection By Projection

Donald Trump's strategy for fending off scandals and accusations against him is always the same: accuse others for having the flaws he himself possesses, and claim that other people committed the same kind of crimes that he very obviously did himself.

It's about as mature as saying "I know you are, but what am I?", and it's equally telling and ineffective. He has no other strategy, he is unable to learn anything new, and with his currentbdecline in mental capacity, it's doubtful that he even realizes that he is losing.

Sunday, January 6, 2019


indebted; owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service

Learn that word. It will be used a lot in the turbulent months ahead. Let's practice by putting it into a sentence: "Not only Donald Trump and his closest lowlife associates, but a significant portion of the Republican party leadership, are clearly beholden to Russian oligarchs and Vladimir Putin."