Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Criminal scum

The President of the United States is a carreer criminal, a fraud, a cheat, a tax dodger, a bully, a con man, a liar, a traitor, a racist, a dumbass and a child molesting pervert. He suffers from severe mental disorder and has rapidly progressing dementia. The apparent inability of a democratic system to remove a person so clearly unfit for office is a sad sign of the worst flaw of good people: we are unable to understand evil people and cannot predict their actions, and we are therefore doomed to being taken by surprise at their blatant disregard for every ideal we stand for and all our aspirations to make a positive contribution to the world.

We must consider being less tolerant towards intolerance, or we will keep getting fooled. There is no reasoning with pure evil. Sometimes you just have to give up on people and realize that they are way beyond redemption, utterly undeserving of our respect, and belong in prison for the rest of their lives.