Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Illuminati, "the Enlightened Ones", is an old conspiracy theory that refuses to go away. Depending on who touts the conspiracy, the Illuminati are depicted as evil, benevolent, or just indifferent, cold and calculating in their secret attempts to rule the world from behind the scenes. However, they are never described as stupid.

What we have now instead of a government in the United States is a cabal of Desilluminati, "the Unenlightened Ones". These dim bulbs are trying very hard to turn down the lights for everyone who wants transparency, accountability, honesty and reason from their elected representatives. Their problem is that light always prevails over darkness. It only takes some illumination in the right place for a short while to expose the ugly secrets hiding in the dark, and once the truth has been brought to light, there is no way of hiding it again.

Fortunately for us, Donald Trump and his "best people" are not very smart, and that's what's bringing them down. The dim bulbs are about to be replaced.