Thursday, April 4, 2019


Donald Trump misspoke in an embarrassing and all too revealing manner when he tried to say "look at the origins if the investigation" but instead said "look at the oranges of the investigation". Now, if this had been a single incident, I wouldn't have thought much about it, apart from the fact that it's a hilarious slip coming from a person who is called derogatory names for his propensity for using too much fake tan and have his skin take on an orange tint. However, it was not a single slip, and the entire clip was painful to watch. The first time he meant to say "origins" and it came out wrong, he tried again, and made the same mistake a second time. Then, he tried explaining what he actually meant, saying "you know, the beginnings". He then managed to get the singular correct, saying the word "origin", but then finished with saying "oranges" a third time.

This is not dyslexia, or illiteracy, or stress, or bad pronounciation. I would bet on dementia or Alzheimers. In any case, there is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump's brain, and it's getting worse.