Monday, March 25, 2019

Devil in the Details

The "executive summary" of the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller was released yesterday, and media is tripping over themselves making all kinds of baseless claims. The summary was made by Attorney General Barr, who was appointed by Donald Trump, and who has openly stated his opinion that the President should be above the law. Of course he tries his best to protect his beloved god-emperor as much as he possibly can.

The summary is very telling in what it doesn't say. It makes some claims very narrow, like saying that there has been no conclusive evidence found that Donald Trump's campaign knowingly colluded with the Russian government, while it fails to mention the broader accusation of collusion with Russian operatives who are formally not tied to the government, like oligarchs and lawyers. The summary acknowledges that considerable foreign interference took place in the 2016 election and is likely to continue, but fails to raise a flag of warning or make any recommendations for securing the fairness and independence of the election system.

And, as a telling sign of a redaction being downright dishonest, the summary fails to quote a single complete sentrnce from Mueller's text. If you feel the need to cut parts of sentences out of context, chances are that the full sentence is actually quite damaging. Imagine a movie poster quoting a review as "A most impressive display...", when the reviewer actually wrote "A most impressive display of bad taste and money wasted on a total lack of talent."

We need to see the full report, with redactions where necessary to protect witnesses and ongoing investigations, not an obviously dishonest summary written by a Trump stooge. I am sure the full text will be utterly embarrassing and damaging to Donald Trump and his Republican henchmen, and I am sure we will see it quite soon.