Monday, March 11, 2019

Swamp Creatures

The person illegally occupying the presidential seat in the United States made a big deal of his campaign promise to "drain the swamp", i.e. to clean up in the unhealthy environment of Washington DC politics where many elected officials are carreer politicians who only care about their own benefit and their continued reelection, rather than using their granted powers to improve society and benefit their constituents. However, instead if draining the swamp, he and his minions have turned it into a cesspool, or worse. Their treasonous conspiracy with foreign hostile governments, their financial fraud and their obstruction of justice is just a small part of their long list of crimes. Before this horrible period of US politics is all over, we will see the president, people in his employ and numerous elected Republicans be charged and convicted for bribery, perjury, tax evasion, general thuggery, murder, systematic sexual abuse of children and human trafficking, just to name a few of the crimes that are being exposed. Their attempt at seizing power in a totalitarian manner is failing, thankfully, but they are doing a lot of damage by digging in and refusing to stop until they are dragged away in handcuffs.
Before long, Congress may be half empty, and the White House will be deserted. Good riddance. It will take decades to wash away the stench.