Monday, March 4, 2019

Emolumentally Stupid

If this had been a normal presidency, what Donald Trump did this weekend would have been a clear reason to start impeachment hearings. After having lost a lawsuit with the Scottish government, a lawsuit he initiated himself to stop a wind turbine project from somehow ruining the view from his failing Trump Scotland golf course, he took to Twitter and promoted his own business, suggesting that a Trump-owned golf course in Scotland somehow improves the UK-US foreign relations.

This is a clear and blatant violation of the "emoluments clause" which forbids a sitting US president from using the position of power for personal profit. Presidunce Trump is either too stupid to understand this, or too corrupt to care. In either case, he should not be allowed to remain in office.

A more sinister interpretation is that Trump issued a veiled threat against the UK, implying that it would harm international relations if they don't step in and reverse the court decision, which ordered him to reimburse the Scottish government for the costs of the defense. If that is what he meant, and I certainly wouldn't put it past him, he is corrupt like a banana republic dictator and needs to be locked up immediately.

Fortunately, steps are being taken to remove him from office, albeit for entirely different and more serious crimes than this emoluments clause violation. This just adds a little to the already huge pile of crimes he has committed during his sad and pathetic life.