Wednesday, January 16, 2019


It should not be news to anyone that Donald Trump is a bad speller. However, yesterday he made a worse than ever mistake in his stupid bragging tweet about how he served fast food for a White House reception in the middle of his stupid government shutdown. He wrote that he was serving "hamberders". Now, you might suspect that it's some kind of misspelling slang, or cutesy baby language, but no. Nobody in the history of written English has ever spelled "hamburger" that way, for any reason. It's not even a phonetic spelling. It's just so very wrong. He even got trolled for it by Burger King: their official Twitter account announced that due to a big order yesterday, they were all out of hamberders, but still served hamburgers.

The United States has a president who not only has trouble spelling difficult words. He is illiterate to the point where he doesn't even know how to spell, or pronounce, his favorite food. This ridiculous, small and utterly stupid man needs to be put away.