Monday, January 1, 2018

Too Many Secrets

Donald Trump's presidency is built on lies, deception and criminal activity, just like his family business. The difference is that he is now in a very public position where he is being closely watched, and the kind of deals a president is supposed to make are not of the kind where you can just declare bankruptcy and quit, fail to pay your bills and bully your contractors to suck it up by threatening to sue them, or use funds obtained by money laundering. (These are the methods commonly used by the Trump Organization when doing business.)

Public scrutiny is a situation completely alien to a man who only ever ran a family business with neither shareholders nor a board of directors to hold him accountable. To make things worse, his shenanigans to steal the election required lots of people. Too many for everyone to keep the many secrets. We recently learned that the Russia investigation was initiated after George Papadopoulos got drunk and bragged to random people about how they had rigged the election with Russian help. An Australian diplomat heard him and reported it to the FBI, and here we are, the ugly truth being dug up piece by piece and the big picture emerging while Donald Trump, his White House and more or less the entire Republican party are trying in an increasingly desperate manner to distract from the scandal. It's not working, and it's not a pretty sight.

Too many people. Too many secrets. Too many lies. And too many eyes and ears, watching and listening.