Saturday, January 6, 2018

Like, Really Smart

This morning, Donald Trump felt the need to ensure the world via Twitter that he is not crazy and not stupid. He did this by writing that he has always been "like, really smart". Really, Donald? You type something to counter a book that claims your entire staff considers you a moron, and that is what you came up with as a retort?

He then went into hyperbole, as is his habit, and proclaimed himself an outright "genius". A journalist asked him later in the day why he had felt the need to tweet about his intelligence. Trump aswered in a non sequitur way: "Because I went to the best colleges. I went to..." and then he fell silent mid-sentence as if he suddenly couldn't rember where he went to college. He tried to save face by instead saying something generic but exaggerated about his supposedly outstanding performance as a student, but the damage was done.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to recall where he went to college. He is going downhill faster than we imagined.