Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Despite his claims of being a billionaire, Donald Trump is broke. His total debt is massive and probably exceeds the value of his assets by a wide margin, and he is strapped for cash. Hints can be taken from his small scale grifting to transfer money from Secret Service to his company by forcing them to pay for accommodation and golf car rental while he makes his weekly escape from work to play golf, but the most telling sign emerged from his evolving sex scandal involving the porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump didn't use his own money to buy her silence. Instead, he arranged for his campaign to pay her $130,000, which constitutes illegal use of campaign funds. That sounds like an unnecessary risk to take for a self-proclaimed billionaire. On top of that, his inept lawyer failed to disguise the transaction well enough in the books, so now it's clear that Michael Cohen arranged for $130,000 of the Trump campaign funds to be transferred to Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels.

Trump's debts are causing him a world of pain, and the money trail is going to bring him down.