Thursday, January 18, 2018

"Excellent Health"

Looking at the published results from Trump's physical, it becomes clear that it was cleaned up for presentation, because it exaggerated his height and decreased his weight to place his BMI just below "obese". He is still at the uppermost end of "overweight" on the scale, but to Trump, his only concern is avoiding the fat-shaming label "obese".

Looking at the results that were probably not altered, he has very high cholesterol, despite taking strong cholesterol-reducing medication, and his coronary calcium is at pathological levels and increasing. Add to this that he keeps a very unhealthy diet with large amounts of fast food and gets almost no exercise at all, and the conclusion is that Donald Trump has a serious heart condition and runs a significant risk of suffering a stroke or a heart attack.

"Excellent health". Yeah, right. They should have had someone with medical expertise clean up the test results before they tried to make that claim. But hey, look, they made it so that he is one pund shy of being called fat, and that's the important thing, right?