Saturday, January 27, 2018

It's All True

Seeing how the Trump and his henchmen are spooked, and looking at all the serious  allegations against them, the logical conclusion is that it's all true. Trump stole the election with help from Russia, he has a long history of money laundering, and he has been obstructing justice since he took office to try to bury the Russia story. Furthermore, while it's posible that only Trump's family and a handful of his deplorable associates were actively complicit in the various crimes, it is now becoming obvious that large parts of the Republican party leadership are aware of the crimes but remain silent - in some cases trying to avtively cover them up or create distractions.

It's probably going to be a long time before every crime committed by this atrocious administration is exposed and prosecuted, but we are at least seeing the beginning of the end. Quite a lot of people are going to end up in prison over the bizarre freak show that is Donald Trump's presidency.