Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Bully In A China Shop

Name calling is a bully tactic Trump uses, unsuccessfully, to disparage his opponents. The problem with his labels is that they don't stick, because his names are not particularly fitting, neither funny nor clever, and they mostly reflect back on himself very strongly. Like today, when he called the Senate minority leader "Cryin' Chuck Schumer".

This is a person with whom Trump is absolutely forced to negotiate to solve the shutdown debacle more permanently in a few weeks. Bullying him now is not a smart move. Plus, as usual, "Cryin' Donald Trump" is a more fitting label. After making a number of stupid moves that triggered a government shutdown this past weekend, Trump withdrew to his chambers to throw a tantrum and mope. Right now, the Democrats are definitely not the ones doing the crying.

The President needs to grow up, but he lacks the mental capacity to even know what that means.