Sunday, September 4, 2022

Cracking Under Pressure

The ongoing counter-offensive by Ukraine, wisely focusing on Cherson, has caught Russian forces by surprise and appears to be quite effective. Russian troops seem unprepared, under-equipped, badly trained and unmotivated, and the pinpoint strikes against Russian ammunition depots and support lines have rendered Putin's machinery of terror severely crippled.

Our support for Ukraine must not falter. Russia is getting their ass kicked, and defeating the aggressor is paramount to stopping Russia from going on a mad killing spree to conquer more territory. The world needs to say "no" with as much force as we can possibly muster.

Political commentators are saying that Russia must not be humiliated, because it would make them vengeful. To the contrary, I think Russia must be beaten to humiliation and beyond, have their teeth pulled out and never again be trusted. The monster that has been ravaging Ukraine must not be allowed to continue its killing spree. Hurting the feelings of a murderer should not be a concern. The current regime in Russia has shown its true nature, and it does not deserve our respect.