Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Without diminishing the suffering Russia is causing in Ukraine since they invaded in February, it is obvious that the once feared Russian army is now incapable of waging war in an effective manner. The troops are badly trained, badly equipped, badly motivated and badly led. Add to this a deeply dysfunctional organization with rampant corruption, internal struggles for power and a fundamental disregard for the lives of their soldiers, and what we see is not an army, but a ragtag gang of murderous thugs with no leadership and no plan.

Russia has been fighting with everything they've got for months, attacking what they thought was an easy target. The result? They are bleeding resources, barely holding on to territory at the edges of Ukraine, and as the counterattack is picking up speed, Ukraine is slowly but steadily taking back territory, causing heavy losses for Russia to equipment and personnel.

To put ot simply: the war is going badly for Russia, and their army comes across as outdated, outsmarted and way too easily outmanouvered.