Saturday, August 27, 2022

Something is Rotten in the State of Russia

In fact, the headline is an understatement. Pretty much everything is rotten in Russia, from the highest level of their totalitarian government down to the attitude and behaviour of a large portion of the Russian population. Russians are not cut off from news from the outside world -- they actively choose not to believe it. In their willful delusion they believe that Putin is not a criminal butcher of tens of thousands of innocent people and that Russia is a great country. In fact, Russia is a country in shambles, and they are going further downhill at an alarming speed.

While ordinary Russians ignore reality, their murderous dictator continues his pointless slaughter of Ukrainians, sacrificing tens of thousands of his own troops in the process while gaining close to nothing of value.

If the Russian people wanted him gone and took action, Putin would be dead and his war would be over in no time. Instead, the atrocities continue. This is not the work of one man, or of a small group of totalitarian rulers in the Russian government. The general population is definitely to blame as well, and unless Russians wake up to reality, they will be hated for generations to come. For good reason.