Sunday, September 25, 2022


In his predictably lie-filled and deranged address at the UN headquarters yesterday, Sergei Lavrov accused the Western world of russophobia. That might have been the only thing he got at least almost right.

Now, the term "phobia" usually refers to an unfounded fear of something, either due to a psychological disorder, like claustrophobia, or a misinformed opinion, like xenophobia. However, the word is Greek and literally means "fear", plain and simple.

The world is right to fear Russia. Not only is the Russian leadership to be feared, because Putin is not the only madman with crazy delusions about reclaiming the former territory of the Soviet Union to create "Novorossija", New Russia.

Strictly speaking, the Russian population at large is complicit in all this, because they have allowed a madman to remain in power for the past twenty years. So, yes, Russia and the Russians are to be feared, and loathed. They cannot be trusted as a group and as a country, and far too many of them are murderous thugs who are actively involved in torturing and killing innocent people by the thousands in Ukraine.

Russophobia is not wrong. It is a very wise and perfectly sane reaction to what Russia is doing, and it will take a very long time for decent Russians to restore normal relations with the rest of the world. When you look at it, Russia has actually never had normal relations with other countries, so it will be an uphill struggle indeed.

Therefore, Mr. Lavrov, until Russia changes dramatically for the better, I will stick with my russophobia.