Sunday, September 25, 2022

In Tatters

Putin's move to enlist allegedly hundreds of thousands of former soldiers into active duty, to reinforce his heavily depleted forces in Ukraine, is an act of desperation. Russians do not want to fight in Putin's failing war against their brothers and sisters in Ukraine, and it is highly doubtful if he can even muster any significant amount of battle ready troops in the near future. Many of the men who are now receiving draft orders have no military experience, and the Russian army will face severe problems and long delays when trying to train them, outfit them and organize them into functioning units. They had problems keeping even their standing army equipped with reasonably modern and functional gear, and adding hundreds of thousands of new recruits to the mix will spell disaster.

Putin will see his reinforcements arrive in much smaller numbers than he needs, and they will be too late to stop Ukraine's pushback against his aggression. When he finally manages to send some troops, they will be badly trained, badly equipped and badly motivated, sent into battle only to die by the thousands for a lost cause in a war that has gone horribly wrong from the beginning.

What we are seeing is the desperate act of a madman who is out of options but refuses to admit defeat.