Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Truth Will Out

Last night, former Russian Colonel Mikhail Khodaryonok was seen telling some inconvenient truths on Russian state television. The host looked absolutely horrified, but did not interrupt him, which leads to the conclusion that this was a statement which was sanctioned by the government, rather than a surprise coup from a supposed propagandist gone rogue.

The message was clear, and twofold: Russia is steadily doing worse on the battlefield as time passes, and the rest of the world stands united against a geopolitically isolated Russia. For a statement like this to reach the general public through Russian state television is nothing short of sensational, and it is a marked departure from the hitherto blatant lies of Putin's propaganda machine.

There is undoubtedly more to come on this. The question is whether Putin is still in control and trying to change the narrative for some reason, or if this is the beginning of a move by others to sidestep Putin and try to save at least some of Russia's ass while they still have a chance.

However, it may be too late for that. Even a complete withdrawal and an unconditional surrender at this point will leave Russia responsible for countless war crimes and insane amounts of destruction in Ukraine, and it is going to cost them dearly for a long time ahead.