Monday, May 16, 2022

Epic Fail

Imagine if Adolf Hitler, after he decided to invade Poland, had lined up most of his standing army on the Polish border and marched in, only to be met with fierce resistance - so fierce that he ended up losing one third of his forces to achieve only a fraction of his strategic goals with the campaign.

This is what Vladimir Putin has done in Ukraine. He has a delusional wet dream of restoring the Soviet empire, but he is going to be remembered as the leader who single-handedly brought Russia shame, ruin and humiliation.

The world stands with Ukraine, and practically nobody stands with Russia. North Korea has voiced its sympathy, which amounts to nothing but words, but China and even Belarus see where this is going and try to avoid aligning with Russia.

Putin's self-defeating "special operation" with invading Ukraine is going down in military history as one of the most stupid campaigns ever.