Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Russia is attacking civilian targets in Odessa with cruise missiles. A shopping mall and two hotels can't possibly have any military significance. This is nothing more than random acts of terror.

Ukrainians are being deported by the millions to remote parts of Russia, to camps that are discomfortingly similar to WWII concentration camps.

The official Russian news outlets have been reduced to spreading nothing but propaganda and brain-washing lies. Dissidents and protesters are being labeled as enemies of the state and arrested. Strong and heavy-handed censorship laws are in effect.

Putin is actively and openly seeking to expand the Russian "empire" to include any regions that can be claimed to have Russian heritage, whether from the Soviet era or in distant history.

The Russian leadership is a cult around one person with totalitarian power, and nobody dares tell him when he is very obviously wrong. No lie seems to be too big and too incredible for him to make it his official world view.

A theme of extreme and chauvinistic nationalism is getting ever stronger in the rhetoric from the Kremlin, with Putin now stopping just barely short of claiming that Russians are a "master race" superior to other people. The Russian orthodox church claims to be the "only true Christianity", and its patriarch actively supports the regime and its aggression against Ukraine.

Military parades seem to be a fetish for the Russian president.

Who are the fascists, again?