Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Not My Flag

In a belated and weak statement following the domestic terror attack in Charlottesville, Donald Trump tried to downplay the hatred and bigotry by saying that Americans should work together, because "we all pledge allegiance to the same flag".

No. The flag I saw waving amidst the angry white male losers in their twenties was a Nazi banner. As in, a real Nazi banner, not some thinly veiled attempt at a graphic redesign of the swastika in order to pretend that you are not really a Nazi. The old WWII symbol, flown openly and proudly by racist Nazi scum, in the streets of an American city.

These people are terrorists, plain and simple, seeking to take society back to dark times by pushing their hateful, vindictive agenda of white supremacy. They do not deserve respect or collaboration. There is no way to "work together" with them without losing your dignity, your decency, your very soul.

Under the lack of leadership from Donald Trump, and his reluctance to call a spade a spade if said spade is wielded by a white person of Christian faith, the United States is turning into an ugly place.