Monday, August 7, 2017

A Small Man In A Big Suit

A lifetime of crime is rapidly catching up to Donald Trump. He probably thought he would get away with running the White House in the same way he used to run his company: by lying a lot, pushing his employees around and pitting them against each other, and by ignoring the law whenever it's profitable. For a real estate developer in New York, that seems to have worked OK over the years. For the President of the United States, not so much. Thousands of journalists and millions of people are watching him, and not only has it been impossible for him to get away with lies, bullying and bribery; his past transgressions are being uncovered, and his former life is coming back to bite him.

Becoming president was probably the worst that could have happened to Donald Trump. He is no longer in control of the situation, and he is going down in flames.