Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Stranger To Truth

During an unbelievable rant, where Donald Trump claimed that some white supremacists and Nazis are "very fine people", he also managed to squeeze in two completely unnecessary and stupid lies in one sentence. Speaking about Charlottesville, he went off on a tangent and mentioned that he owned one of the largest wineries in the country, and that it was located in Charlottesville. There is indeed a Trump Winery in Charlottesville, but it is nowhere near the largest in the country, and Donald Trump doesn't own it. It belongs to his son, Eric, and the conpany actually goes to some length to point out that it is not affiliated with Donald Trump and the Trump organization.

Now, why would anyone lie about something so small and insignificant, and something which is so easily checked and falsified? Apparently, Donald Trump is incapable of not telling lies. He is living in a dreamworld of his own making, built from lies that make him feel important and smart, and his tenuous grasp of reality seems to have slipped to the point where he is no longer able to tell the difference between the truth and his constant self-aggrandizing lies. It is unwise to believe anything he says, about anything, ever.