Friday, August 25, 2017

A House Divided

In the aftermath of Steve Bannon leaving the White House, a feud is brewing between two billionaire financiers for the Republicans. The Mercer family is standing by Bannon, while the Koch brothers are sticking with Trump, and they are starting to attack each other.

The Republican party is in disarray and has a deep existential crisis. It is hard to imagine it emerging from this debacle without taking serious and lasting damage. It might even end up splitting the party into moderates and conservatives. The situation in Congress, where the struggle to find common ground between the widely separated extremes of the GOP representatives, is an indication that a split would be needed to create a functioing political party.

Who knows, breaking up the GOP might be a first step towards creating a more healthy political landscape in the US. A system so strongly focused on having only two parties is not a proper democracy. Discourse and development benefits from diversity.

It would be interesting to see the Democrats split up as well. Some moderate Democrats would probably be better off joining the moderate Republicans, leaving the more liberal Democrats with more freedom to advocate for a stronger left leaning policy. Perhaps we would even see a social democrat or "labor" party with views that actually lean true left even in an international perspective. And of course, the right wing extremists and the religious nuts could be pushed to form their own parties (something like "nationalists" and "evangelists"), instead of poisoning the Republicans with their bigotry and racism.

A new constellation of moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats could actually be a party of, you know, reasonable people trying to govern. Wouldn't that be nice?