Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Lying Is Hard Work

It's not surprising that Donald Trump can't seem to get any actual governing done. Between his frequent visits to the golf course and his long hours of watching TV, he has been busy trying to manage a huge pack of lies to cover up his crimes. Lying is hard work even if you're good at it: you always need to remember what you said in all your lies and stick with your fabricated story, and you need to keep your lies rooted in reality and make them mesh with the truth in a reasonably plausible manner.

Now, Donald Trump is not even a good liar, and that makes it a lot more difficult for him. As his bad lies are exposed, he needs to make up more lies to maintain his shaky narrative. Bad lies covered up with more bad lies lead to a downward spiral where he has to spend more time defending himself and telling more lies instead of doing anything useful and constructive. That takes a lot of work, and a lot of time. He is bad even at the cover-up, which makes him end up spending most of his time trying to micro-manage his many falsehoods, failing at every turn.

Even if he could do his job, which he very obviously can't, Donald Trump has no time for doing any presidential stuff. Lying to try to stay out of jail is his full time job. And he is as bad at that as he is at everything else.