Monday, July 31, 2017

Disgraceful Exit

Donald Trump seems hell-bent on not admitting guilt and keep clinging to his dysfunctional presidency for as long as he possibly can, even though his chances of actually getting anything done are now slim to none. His downfall will require either a lengthy impeachment process or the Vice President invoking the 25th amendment.

Unfortunately, the latter seems far fetched, because it would require a majority of cabinet members to be at least marginally competent and have a spine. People like Rex Tillerson and James Mattis seem to be fed up with Trump's constant failures, but Trump's cabinet includes people who were specifically chosen to be personally loyal to him. Betsy DeVos, for example, has no relevant skills whatsoever for her job and would be out in a second as soon as any other person than Trump would claim the President's seat.

It even appears as if Donald Trump is trying to further defuse the threat of the 25th amendment by getting rid of cabinet members who might call for him to step down. John Kelly, a person with no obvious ties to Trump, was just moved from a cabinet position to be chief of staff. H R McMasters is reportedly facing a risk of being fired after getting rid of a holdout from the brief reign of Mike Flynn. The rumored candidate for his replacement is Mike Pompeo, an obvious Trump loyalist. Getting a majority of this cabinet to oppose Trump seems unlikely. With Trump being a constantly growing embarrassment to the United States, both at home and abroad, it might not be totally impossible, but having high hopes for it to happen would be unwise.

Impeachment is a lengthy and humiliating path to defeat which will do great harm to the nation, but right now it seems like the only option.