Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Junior Meltdown

I suspected one of Donald Trump's stupid sons would slip up and incriminate him, but I assumed it would be Eric, because he seems to be the most dim-witted of the two. As it turned out, it was Donald Trump Jr who figuratively drenched himself in gasoline and set himself on fire while the nation was watching. He doesn't even seem to understand that soliciting or accepting "help" from a foreign actor to unfairly influence an election is a crime. With his pathetic attempts at a defense he only managed to further incriminate himself, and drag his father down with him in the process.

The level of stupidity he showed is almost hard to understand, and his expensive lawyer must be gnashing his teeth. John Oliver's name for the Trump-Russia scandal, "Stupid Watergate" is very appropriate indeed: it's a big mess, and all the people involved are bad at what they do.