Saturday, July 8, 2017

Putin's Puppet

Today, we saw reality fight with Donald Trump and lose. No less than four intelligence communities in the US have issued a joint statement that Russia was meddling in the 2016 presidential election, that there is ample evidence to support it, that it was a large, state-sponsored effort that simply had to be ordered by President Putin, and that there are no signs of any other sources for the hacking.

Despite this, Donald Trump has been strangely reluctant to admit that the attack came from Russia. He has claimed that it might be a fat kid sitting on a bed somewhere, or the Chinese, or sometimes even claimed that the entire thing is a hoax created by the Democrats because they are sore losers. His most admissive stance (it changes rapidly over time) has been that it "probably happened", but that "nobody knows for sure who did it" and that it "didn't change a single vote". This is all pure and utter nonsense.

When Trump met Putin today, he mentioned the issue. Naturally, Putin denied that he had any part in it. After the meeting, Putin claimed that Trump accepted it as truth, although the White House later denied that. When asked, however, Trump still won't believe his intelligence services and admit that the hacker attacks on the election emanated from Russia. The reason? Because Putin said so. The collected intelligence apparatus of the United States says otherwise, but Trump instead chooses to believe a criminal, homicidal dictator who plays him like a fiddle.

This is the stuff of nightmares.