Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Mask Off

As his aides are giving up on trying to rein him in, we are seeing the unmasked Donald Trump tweeting his way to jail. What was passed off as a presidential candidate is obviously a caveman: a racist and serial sex offender who can't control his impulses to lash out at black people and say digustingly sexist things about women. The person occupying the White House is not a president. At best, he is a couch potato, but lately he has become something that isn't even a proper human being. Crazy, stupid, evil, senile and delusional are, sadly, traits of his which we have been accustomed to. Now, add "angry" and "scared shitless" on top of that, and you get the shivering orange blob of fat that is Donald Trump.

Anyone still backing this stinking pile of garbage as president deserves to be thrown out of politics for the rest of their career. An actual pile of garbage would do a better job. The same amount of work would get done, i.e. nothing, but there would at least be less embarrassment, and no risk of setting the world on fire to distract from personal crimes and scandals.