Friday, December 22, 2017


Mike Pence and Paul Ryan both embarrassed themselves in public by praising Donald Trump to appease him. Perhaps he requires this kind if treatment not to throw a tantrum or do something even more rash and stupid than usual, but doing it in public makes the United States look like a banana republic under a stupid dictator.

Mike Pence gave a two minute speech on the theme "I feel truly blessed to be allowed to serve under Your Highness", to the visible discomfort of bystanders who were caught unprepared in a moment of groundless worship of a Supreme Leader.

Paul Ryan praised Trump's "exquisite leadership", when in fact he has failed to lead whenever the opportunity has presented itself. Donald Trump is not a leader - he is a bumbling moron who cheated his way to the Oval Office.

Cringeworthy. Truly. Yuck.