Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Angry Old White Men

The Trump voter base, roughly 15 to 20 percent of the US population, consists largely of disgruntled white men of somewhat advanced age and comparably little education. These people are easily swayed by arguments of white supremacy, will more readily believe outright lies, and often trust a single source for their news, without questioning its integrity or accuracy. This is the kind of people who would vote for Donald Trump again, if given the chance.

Everybody else is now seeing the truth: Donald Trump is a fraud, a person who is completely unable to perform the duties of a US President, and on top of that he is also  a traitor who stole the election with help from Russia, plus a long time common criminal who has been using ill-gotten Russian money to extend the time required for running his inherited family business into the ground.

Fortunately, there are not enough angry old white men in the US to prop up the bad joke that is "President" Trump.  The Republican party will suffer woefully, and rightfully, for standing behind a fraudulent, racist criminal moron.