Friday, December 8, 2017

Dry Mouth

Donald Trump's announcenent of his asinine intention to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was supposed to be a big moment for him, pandering to his supporters and making a bold (but stupid) move in international politics. However, his performance ended up being a monotone, indifferent reading from a script. What's more, he started slurring so badly halfway through it that people spent more effort speculating whether he suffered a minor stroke, or if his dentures came loose. Either way, the speech was an epic fail, and the explanation given by the White House was that "he had a dry mouth".

When Trump had a dry mouth on TV a couple of weeks ago, he had a cringeworthy   awkward moment looking for a water bottle that was right in front of him, and laboriously using both hands to take a sip from it. A dry mouth does not make a person say  "God blesh the United Shesh", which was what Trump's closing words sounded like.

Something is physically wrong with Trump, and his people are not even trying to make up plausible explanations any more.