Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Whatever Donald Trump is suffering from that makes him a scumbag, it appears to be contagious. His entire staff appears to be corrupt and criminal, even those who were once respected generals. We have never seen such a massive scandal. This goes way beyond the charges that are currently being brought against a few individuals. When all is said and done and Robert Mueller's many cases are wrapped up and closed, the political landscape will look very different. One of the two dominant parties in the US will be in shambles, having bet their house on a senile, criminal, sexist, racist, stupid lying Russian puppet who failed utterly even at playing the President on TV. The Republican Party has painted themselves into a very dark corner.

Using one of his misspellings against him for a cheap laugh, Donald Trump is being "unpresidented". And it's about time. Nothing about his presidency was ever right to begin with.