Saturday, October 14, 2017

Fortunately, He's a Quitter

As Donald Trump's presidency is coming apart, he has taken to figuratively torching the country out of spite, and even his closest allies are beginning to fear that his deranged mind will decide to do something really bad, like starting a nuclear war for made-up reasons.

Fortunately, history shows that Donald Trump is a quitter. When he realises that his shenanigans no longer work to distract from reality, he has a habit of declaring victory and walking away. He has declared bankruptcy six times, each time falsely claiming that his failed business was actually a success and blaming everyone but himself for the bankruptcy.

It has taken him unusually long to see where this is going, but now it appears to have finally sunk in. We can expect him to resign soon.

Of course, this time he won't be shielded by a bankruptcy. He will still face charges for his crimes and go to prison for the rest of his life. There isn't much life left in him, and he might actually become totally senile before any verdict is reached, but he will at least face the charges.