Wednesday, October 11, 2017

This Is How Democracy Dies

Today, Donald Trump showed that he would rather be dictator than have to deal with all the inconveniences of a democracy, like a free press and the limits to his executive power. He flouted the idea of revoking the network license for NBC, as if that was something he could do, or something he should even consider doing in a million years.

Donald Trump may be so far gone mentally that he lives in an alternate reality, truly believing that the media is conspiring against him when they are in fact only doing their job, but even if that is the case, the president of  a democracy should not even discuss censorship or attempts at controlling the press. Fake or not, and CNN and NBC are definitely not fake, a free and independent press is fundamental to a democracy.

The President suggesting that NBC should be taken off the air simply because he doesn't like what they are reporting is a very serious matter. It is, quite frankly, reason enough in itself to have him impeached. The destruction of the free press is a first and serious step towards dictatorship and oppression.