Thursday, November 2, 2017

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Donald Trump is desperately trying to distract from the recent developments in Muller's Trump-Russia investigation. It's not working. Instead, he incriminates himself further by lying about almost everything. With a few notable exceptions, his former allies in Congress are no longer supporting his lies, and what few apologists he has left are having their arguments torn to shreds on live TV. The game has changed and his luck has turned, but Trump is still reading from the same worn-out page in his old playbook. His frustration over the fact that his trick is not working suggests that he doesn't know any more tricks, and that he is too stupid, or too senile, or both, to think of something else.

Not that it would have helped. Hopefully, it won't be much longer until we can stop saying "President Trump". It never felt right in the first place.