Monday, October 17, 2022

London V2

The morning news brought reports of drone attacks on Kyiv, the day after Putin said that there is "currenly no reason" for any further attacks on the city. I suppose "currently" meant "this very second".

The drones have been reliably identified as Iranian Shaheed-137 "kamikaze drones", even though the Iranian government, another oppressive regime on its last legs, categorically denies supplying Russia with weapons, all the while continuing to do so.

These drone attacks are frightening, but ineffective. They can be compared to the V-1 and V-2 strikes at London during WW2: a last ditch attempt by a failing war machine to make any kind of impact at all by random attacks on civilians far behind the frontlines. Any human lives lost are a tragedy, but just as the Brits were only strengthened in their resolve by Hitler's terror bombings, the Ukrainians will be as well.