Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Flailing, and failing

Russia's attack in the past couple of days, targeting civilians in Ukraine, is reported to have used more than 80 missiles. Long range missiles are a scarce resource for Russia, and using them to attack civilians in terror bombings is extremely wasteful for an army that is already running low on pretty much everything.

Add to this the meager outcome: reports say that about half of the missiles were shot down by air defense, and the official count from the Ukrainian government is that 19 people were killed in the attacks. That number could increase in the aftermath, and of course even the death of "only" 19 people is absolutely awful, but the fact remains that attacks like this are absolute failures. If we do some horrible math involving human lives, it took an average of four missiles to kill one random civilian.

Putin is throwing away his last resources to try to scare people by random acts of terror. It is not working.