Monday, October 10, 2022

Bottom of the Barrel

Yesterday, Russian forces aimed anti-aircraft missiles into a residential area in Mykolaiv. Now, these terror attacks on civilians are of course horrible and indefensible, but air defense charges are expensive weapons that have very little effect on buildings, and the attack is basically nothing more than a desperate last ditch attempt to make any use at all of whatever ammunition they have left.

Wasting air defense missiles on an attack like this is a clear sign of combat units being close to just imploding from a lack of supplies and a dysfunctional command structure. Russia's army is basically being run over by the Ukrainian counterattack, and because of their commanders' refusal to fall back, their troops end up fleeing in panic while taking heavy losses. The only response they have is to kill more civilians in random, ineffective terror bombings.

What little is left of Putin's neglected, depleted, exhausted and unmotivated fighting force appears to be precariously close to the point where it just stops working altogether, and they may in fact be in for a total breakdown and a humiliating defeat before any reinforcements arrive.